I have cherished thy name since my heart was a child
I have ran towards you , screamed at you , embraced and touched your face in awe
yet here I stand in the rising smoke of your demise, smiling with my grown eyes wild
the more I rant, the more I cry, the flowers of your departure bloom in my mind
as a hypocritical note, i still carry the thought
that all I've lost, I have put at your feet, prayed to my Lord that the offerings please
I have surrendered my choices on the altar of rhythm
hoping their burden would not crush the promise of freedom
The crossroad still hints at the end of the funnel
where possible paths narrow down to the point of arrival
my broken arms however are too light for this fight
my feet will not carry me throughout the glorious walk
In the blinding lights of the dawn I can't feel the sun
and I ache too much for the beauty I can almost touch
If only my fears would not hinder my wonder
I could stop being the foster child of my plunders
For I have stolen the cracks of your castle
morphed the end to a means
broken the laws of abstraction
left myself carried by years
A new day is upon us
much apprehension
the comprehension
that I am here
Deschizand pleoapa cu ochii clipesc nefericit
numai cu dreptul
aprind galant luna de la intrerupator
cu degetul stang comit o mica infractiune
si-mi scriu visele direct pe linoleumul alunecos
Permut dintr-un colt intr-altul al ratiunii stinse
mii de franturi de zbor
le destept alin printr-un blestem de iele
inecat in zile nesfarsite de ploi verzi marunte
sori pititi intre pereti si jaluzele de birou
Camera inca-i aprinsa intr-un joc de napalm
iara-n jurul meu florile se-usuca si mor
cu gratie ridic fumul de mana pana-n tavan
desi cu ironie ma mint ca nicicand n-am sa cobor...
nici clipa nu-i dusa, nici eu nu sunt chiar om
Maine promit din nou sa ma ignor
Incep chiar sfarsitul cu ochiul putred si gol
pustiul sa-nfrunt doar eu si cu altii intr-un jilt de metrou
numai un mic furtisag domnule judecator
atata-mi ramane mie si ultimilor zei muritori
Azi te las sa ma asterni pe pamantul teapan
caci lumina de afara a fost prea moale pentru clipa din mine
si-am fost prea pierduta sa ranjesc reavan
azi te las sa ma presezi in cartea ce-ti curge prin vine
Nici macar frigul nu se preschimba-n zapada
toate mor si ne nasc ca si ieri
iara doara ce-o tintesc intr-o ureche
e la fel de fada ca si canapeaua pe care
iar m-am rastignit
Perdeaua de apa mai seaca decat fumul pluteste
toate se preschimba-n maine si totusi
iara arde focu-n becul de-azur
caci vara ne-o topi tot intr-o iarna ca o cada
am plecat dar n-am cazut din locul cald, din patul mut
Crengile mi-s gri si-asfaltul parca-i numa zoaie
mucegaiul creste-albastru prin plamanul zdrentuit
caci nici copii n-au mai vrut sa clipeasca a mirare
iara toti suntem intr-unul
as vrea sa-mi canti iar despre samovarul pierdut pe mare
Azi te las sa ma asterni etern pe tot nefericitul pamantesc
caci afara nu-i lumina si-am furat pana si ziua cea de-Apoi
in pumni strang pledoaria pana-n sange vanat o sufoc
azi vreau sa ma-mbratisezi ca pe-un olog amar si gol
constat cu-amaraciune ca azi e ca si ieri,
iar pretutindeni ca si nicaieri
doar azi
te-nvarte copile, te-nvarte
cu capu-n soare, uitat prin campul gras si florile balaie
zboara pasarea mea cu-argint in piepti
si nu-ntreba 'ncotro te-ndrepti
iara 'napoi sa nu privesti ca pasii stersi sa nu te-mbie
in val sa sari, gandu-ti 'nalt sa pierzi in marea stravezie
spre-apusul de culmi goale
cu piatra de moara du-te de zor
si-arunc-o din cerul de pucioasa in dosul cel de vale
sa-ti fie viata toata numa' vara
tu sufoca lacrima-n pamantu' plin de zoaie
sa arza taranii teama in focurile lor de paie
lasa-ne noua patimile si glasul ragusit de oaste
tu plimba-te-n padurea de foioase cat inca-i zi si pace
lasa-ne noua ceata si plansu-ascuns de mama
tu cata scoici pe mal si flori de colt pe coaste
iara visele ascunse ce ciripesc la sanul cald
fereaca-le-n uitare sa nu le fure somnul, nici noaptea umblatoare
te-nvarte copile, te-nvarte
vioi ca licuricii ce se iubesc pe florile de nufar
tu nu cata soptitul ploii nici urletul ce-l sufar
lasa-ni-l noua si-apuca inocenta cu pumnu-ti mic de mana
iara cand ceasu-n ochi ti-o arde veacuri
lasa sufletu' zburdalnic liber, sa joace-n campul gras udat de roua
I was born of the Word Feather crafted in a dough made of void winter born of charred summer in the fires of weeping and hot breath of mad foal
God touched the tip of my head and blinded by so much light I was born in the pain of wisdom strange, a taste of blood on the tip of the tongue devil's salt in my eyes
Skull smashed in pieces by this heavy touch I was born falling by the highest mountains in the wave of scorned flood
I always climbed towards a a sky too high loosing my footing as I walked from an empty cloud to another I was born alone learning to die while I dreamed
I was born of a Song in a promised house which was never mine ruined castle a fox's den built of wasp's hums
Bloodied, scarred feet in a search too grand I was born in the desert where they carried sins to be washed in the sand of ashes
I always whispered the Word and the Song eyes counting stones soul lost in Japan's blossoms I was born in the dried ink of a poet too romantic
I gave birth to myself as I knew best, as I could yet the light still burns in the nights falling over glass deserts carrying a sword, crafted in the fire of old steeds a word of faded ink and the phoenix feather stuck in my crown I was born slowly as I ran always searching for some answer in a shallow humming of beyond by the sea It was me that gave birth...to myself always of the dank soil from ashes tossed in waterfalls too high and too cold in the volcano of love