sâmbătă, 19 iunie 2010

rays of sunshine

I've had some visions, time of late
always dreaming conversations right before I go to bed...
rays of sunshine playing through my hair
remembering your eyes
i fall into the hole, blackest corner
of my heart
i'd take you back into my arms
hold on tight again tasting every breath
after the pain
i could forget all for just a touch
of your smile
so...should I?
risk again, pray again, hope again?
rays of sunshine burning the corner...

rays of sunshine playing through my hair
while each day I pass by your window
and wonder whether
you would ever talk to me again?
will I ever understand, hear the words forming
on what were your sweetest lips
whether some years from now
we'd both regret the lack of courage to forget.
just buy a coffee and sit on a bench
remember me...i'm not dead yet
these tears are only water sparkling through
rays of sunshine

rays of sunshine fighting clouds
while i'm too afraid
to be pushed and pulled and judged
too scared that i could
if i had to...
keep telling myself I tried everything
searching for wisdom
finding it nowhere
someone tell me how to give up
I haven't learned how
I need to brush your cheek once more, imprisoning
rays of sunshine

rays of sunshine clutched in my fists
you knew I'd be all or nothing
you knew people sometimes get hurt
did it had to be me...does it have to be you?
I keep hoping i'd stop hoping
keep swearing my way through everyday
keep burning fires for you
has the sea covered us?
are you drowning or ar you just shipwrecked...
i wish I'd hear you play again
i wish I'd hear you laugh in rain
and all my dreams and hopes and pains
just fade away
in sunshine rays

Un comentariu:

  1. Si eu am conversatii cu anumite persoane, noaptea, inainte sa merg la culcare, dar mi-am dat seama ca nu ne ajuta, mai mult adancesc deziluziile din noi. nu stiu daca e sanatos, dar probabil e inevitabil pentru o vreme. cred ca exista lucruri mai profunde si mai importante decat conversatiile cu prieteni imaginari. imi place foarte mult cum scrii acum. parca ai regasit ceva ce iti lipsea, acea parte din tine pe care ai omis-o atata timp cat te-am cunoscut. dar tot raul e inspre bine daca vrem asta. depinde doar de noi. ai grija de tine si continua sa scrii. o faci foarte bine, neasteptat de bine. sunt cuvinte care ating, mai ales ca sunt termeni mai putin cliseatici si vin din suflet.
